MagicArena Wiki
Disambiguation: This page is about the card "Hour of Devastation". If you're looking for the card set with the same name, please go here.

Card No Longer Available
This card was removed from MTG Arena on Sept 27th 2018 as part of the open beta patch.
Name Hour of Devastation
Mana Cost C3RedRed
Converted Mana Cost 5
Types Sorcery
Text All creatures lose indestructible until end of turn. Hour of Devastation deals 5 damage to each creature and each non-Bolas planeswalker.
Flavor "Everything here exists or perishes at my whim. Including you, Gatewatch."

—Nicol Bolas

Expansion HOUR Hour of Devastation
Rarity Rare

Hour of Devastation

Card rulings (?)
2017-07-14 Creatures with indestructible that enter the battlefield after Hour of Devastation resolves will still have indestructible.
2017-07-14 Once Hour of Devastation begins to resolve, no player may take actions until it’s done. Notably, players can’t try to give a creature indestructible again to save it from the damage.
2018-01-19 There are many important moments in the story, but the most crucial—called “story spotlights”—are shown on cards. These cards have the Planeswalker symbol in their text box; this symbol has no effect on gameplay. You can read more about these events in the official Magic fiction at