MagicArena Wiki
60 Cards
Unplayable Deck
This deck is not currently playable as it contains cards that were removed from the game in the Sept 27th 2018 patch.

UW Teferi Control

Mana Curve

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Random Hand     Draw Card   Clear

About the Deck

Why waste slots on finishers so you don't have your answers on time?

Play this exilir of immortality inspired control deck with Teferi as the only win con. The goal is to play actual card advantage cards and control the game from the get go.

Confused how this deck actually wins? You deck your opponent. Once you've ultimated Teferi and are they are down to 0 permanents, you play -3 your Teferi on himself as your last card. And just keep replaying him and -3, until opponent concedes or decks. Most of the time they will concede long before this, but if they actually want to know what your win con is... well that's it.

Depending on meta you might want to switch the counter package and/or add board clears.

About the Author

PCruS (talk) 14:55, May 7, 2018 (UTC)

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