MagicArena Wiki
Name Air Elemental
Mana Cost C3BlueBlue
Converted Mana Cost 5
Types Creature — Elemental
Text Flying
Flavor As the ship approached, the jade totem rose high overhead. Power rippled. Eyes of stone glowed and crackled. Out hissed a breath of the world, and a windstorm came alive.
P/T (4/4)
Expansion M20U Core Set 2020
Rarity Uncommon

Air Elemental

Other Sets
Air Elemental XLN 45 Ixalan
XLNU Uncommon
As the ship approached, the jade totem rose high overhead. Power rippled. Eyes of stone glowed and crackled. Out hissed a breath of the world, and a windstorm came alive.
Air Elemental M19 308 Core Set 2019
M19U Uncommon
As the ship approached, the jade totem rose high overhead. Power rippled. Eyes of stone glowed and crackled. Out hissed a breath of the world, and a windstorm came alive.